Whale Watching

Season: March to October


Whales can be spotted year round in the Pacific Ocean off the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Hopping aboard a specialized whale watching boat is the best way to see these majestic creatures. A variety of ocean wildlife abounds off Tofino including Grey Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales & Orcas. Seals, Sea Lions and Sea Otters are also commonly seen, along with birds of all shapes and sizes, including Bald Eagles.

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Adventure Tofino Wildlife Tours

Tofino | Multiple Listings

Bear Watching
Hot Springs
Whale Watching

Adventure Tofino offers personal wildlife tours in small groups for an unforgettable Adventure! Operated with our open Zodiac and guided by an experienced local guide, this will be a unique wildlife experience. Enjoy a sce... [ + ]

Jamie’s Whaling Station

Tofino | Multiple Listings

Bear Watching
Hot Springs
Whale Watching

We are your one stop for adventure in Tofino & Ucluelet. Operating since 1982, we are the original Whale tour company & offer Whale Watching, Bear Watching & Hot Springs Cove tours aboard high speed open zodiac-style vessels,... [ + ]